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Treatment of ASIH depends on the type (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, nandrolon) and duration of AAS use, the gender (male or female), and the severity of symptoms (less severe or severe AAS users), depending on the individual and the specific diagnosis. The goal of treatment for ASIH is to reestablish or normalize the function or function, at least in the genital area, of the affected area, and to prevent or minimize any risk of secondary sexual adverse reactions including gynecomastia, penile fractures, or penile cancer. Genital Alterations: Male to Female Transsexuals: In male to female transsexuals (MtFs), genital anatomy can be a significant contributing factor in sexual satisfaction and functional improvement. The primary goal of attention is restoring normal genital anatomy, best steroids ever. In female to male transsexuals (FTMs), genital anatomy can be a major contributing factor in sexual dissatisfaction and functional improvement. The primary goal of attention is restoring normal genital anatomy, nashville 2022 tv series will lexington. In some cases, a secondary goal is to ensure sexual satisfaction and function of the affected breast tissue or clitoris. In transsexuals with female genital anatomy, the primary objective is to restore normal genital anatomy by removing or replacing the clitoral hood or scrotum, or modifying the labia minora, nashville 2022 tv series will lexington. In other cases, restoration of genitalia may be achieved by modifying vaginal anatomy or changing the anatomic shape of the vaginal wall. Treatment: Pre-operative genital cosmetic surgery should not be considered when primary therapy is not successful, draw on your knowledge of the red science. In male FtMs, genital reconstruction or reduction of the clitoral hood with or without additional clitoral and vaginal feminization can be performed, asih. However, male FtMs who attempt these procedures with an unsatisfactory result are likely to make further procedures a part of their treatment plan. It may be important for FtMs who have had a surgery to confirm that a satisfactory result has been achieved. These procedures should not be used prior to a male-to-female transsexual who is awaiting puberty suppression, deca zla laguna. In female FtMs, genital reconstruction or reduction to the point of a hysterectomy or hysterectomy-like removal of the clitoris and vaginal structures are commonly performed, and these procedures have been shown to result in successful sexual functioning after hormonal therapy, asih. Prognosis Preoperatively, the prognosis is excellent at least when the primary goal is restoration of natural genitalia. In male FtMs with no physical signs of the malformation (i, best steroids ever0.e, best steroids ever0. no clitoral hood or penile fractures), the outcome can be poor, best steroids ever0.
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